Monday, November 2, 2009


The UAW announced today that its membership defeated a proposed labor agreement with Ford Motor Company. This agreement is said to closely mirror the agreements already set in place with Chrysler and General Motors that were negotiated earlier this year. Are you kidding me?!

After hearing the news, the left side of my brain thought, Good for them. The right side of my brain thought that this is one of the most ridiculous moves perpetuated by one of the most ridiculous organizations in the country, the UAW.

Needless to say, the right side of my brain won the argument.

What are these people thinking? I know it may be hard for the common line worker to see the global implications of their labor contracts, but I can’t believe that the leadership of the UAW allowed this to happen. Don’t kid yourself; the UAW leadership has the power to swing the vote in any direction they want. These workers just voted their company out of serious marketplace shares.

With diminishing demand for American made automobiles, I just don’t understand why these workers would vote themselves out of a job.

For those that are ill informed, or don’t live in an auto industry economy like Michigan, Ford was the only company out of the Big Three (Ford, GM, Chrysler) that did not take government bailout money. Sure, the government would have put their execs through the ringer as they did with GM and Chrysler, but the money was there for the taking, and they opted out.

If that doesn’t say something for Ford, nothing ever will. This is a company that I thought was viable enough to compete on a global scale because of their financial stability. Now, I just don’t know.

The days of the $60,000 a year factory job, with all expense paid benefits and retirement pensions, are over. The American auto companies are being forced to take a step back and re-evaluate their market share and potential. They have to make tough choices about their financial solvency and the future of their company. Shouldn’t the works be forced to do the same by UAW leadership?

Way to vote yourselves out of a job!


Again, check out (trust the Kaptain)

That’s it for today’s post of:
Chuck Amok on the World, Life, and Living Fat

I can be reached on facebook or email me at

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Once again it is time for open enrollment at my company. Every year I get presented with three or four choices for health insurance and I have to make the decision that I feel is right for myself and my family.

If you have never experienced this, let me just tell you that the choices are daunting to say the least.

With terms like, coinsurance percentage, co-pay, optional co-pay, single deductible, family deductible, and multiple choices for optional coverage, the choice becomes as complicated as trying to complete taxes and navigating through IRS terminology. (I won’t rant about the IRS now, just wait for another post…).

I sit down on a daily basis and think I have all of the options figured out. The next day I take another look and get confused all over again.

To complicate matters, there is absolutely no one at my company that is an expert on medical insurance. So I turn to my co-workers and they know just about as much, or less, than I do.

It could be so easy. Why can’t they just say, if you need to use your insurance, here is what you pay and we cover the rest? Why are there five different deductibles or co-pays? What the hell is the difference between a deductible and co-pay?

Why the hell is this so complicated?

I know. Because some freaking pencil pusher decided to make it so complicated that the common person will be unable to tell just what they have coverage for and how much they will pay.

In what is supposed to be the greatest country in the world, why do we even have to make a choice between health care plans? We should have been the pioneer in universal health care. Instead, we are the last western country without it.

Forget my problems. At least I have a choice. What about the people that don’t have an option. Just read some stories on this website:

How can we let citizens of this great nation go bankrupt because of medical bills? How can we let health care providers decide what is best for our health? How can we sit back and be so complacent about the thing that matters most, our health?


Again, check out (trust the Kaptain)

That’s it for today’s post of:
Chuck Amok on the World, Life, and Living Fat

I can be reached on facebook or email me at

Saturday, October 31, 2009


My wife asked me this question today. “Why is it okay for a group of people to go swimming in their bathing suits, but it is not socially acceptable for that same group of people to sit around in their living room, wearing nothing but underwear?”

While I don’t know the answer to that question, it got me thinking about a particular way our society is divided.

There is one side of our society that is aware of their constant physical state of well being. These are the people that watch what they eat, exercise on a daily basis and lead very active life styles.

On the other side of the coin are those of us who are apathetic about our health. We have come to accept the downsides of the life we choose to live, that of the sloth.

Being of the former persuasion, I would never go swimming in a large group of people; much less sit around my house wearing nothing but boxer briefs. Just read the title of this blog and the Wii incident described in the first post to discover the depth of my situation.

My days consist of waking up; doing a job that requires me to be seated about 80% of the time, writing something that hopefully comes out witty and thought provoking, then vegging out in front of the TV and computer until I can’t keep my eyes open. Guess what? I wake up and do it again the next day.

No wonder I, and this country, have a growing waist line. I have come to think that the overweight population is now the norm and the physically fit healthy people are the new minority group.

We all know what being fat and obese will do to us. But diabetes and heart disease be damned, I am going to order that extra double cheeseburger from McDonald’s at lunch today because I don’t think the Big Mac, large fries, and large soft drink is enough. Holy shit have I lost my mind?!

I don’t have enough fingers to count on one hand the amount of times that I have turned down offers to go to Cedar Point or sports events because of the fear of not being able to fit in the seats. My company decided to order shirts for all employees to wear and I had to ask if they were available in larger sizes. This has got to change.
I want to be a part of the health conscious and physically fit segment of our society. I don’t want to die young from a heart attack, stroke, or become diabetic because of the constant garbage I shovel into my mouth.

So, to keep myself on track and to hold myself accountable, I will be making periodic updates on this blog. If I am successful, maybe I can inspire others with the same condition that I have to do something and change their lives.

Cedar Point here I come!


Again, check out (trust the Kaptain)

That’s it for today’s post of:
Chuck Amok on the World, Life, and Living Fat

I can be reached on facebook or email me at

Friday, October 30, 2009


After receiving feedback from my last post, the readers actually prefer hot button issues, instead of hearing about me making a complete jerk of myself. I have also had the chance to read my previous posts and all of the opinions expressed by the author might make the reader believe that my views are too far to the left. Not true. I am an equal opportunity basher and think both sides of the aisle are completely ridiculous. Let us just simply refer to my political affiliations as Amok. Let me prove it to you. But how?

What about my opinion on the war on drugs? Sounds good to me.

Yes, I smoked pot in high school. However, I got the brilliant idea of becoming a police officer, so that stopped after my junior year and I have yet, and never will return. So rest assured this post comes from a completely clear, albeit, sometimes crazy head.

In my second post, we came up with a figure for the national deficit, 11.8 trillion dollars. No one on Capitol Hill seems to be able to come up with a way to solve the ever growing budgetary crisis that faces our great nation. Let’s explore one possible solution.

The U.S. spends 44.1 billion dollars on the infamous “War on Drugs” every year. What if we were to just completely do away with this supposed war and make drugs legal? Talk about a win-win situation on both sides of the aisle. Think about it, the extreme right libertarians would be thrilled that the people are once again imbued with a new freedom. The leftists would be thrilled that they now have a new stream of tax revenue.

What about the increased drug use one might ask? Let me ask you a question. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that if you smoke pot or shoot heroin now, you are going to continue after it becomes legal? Of course.

I think that the reverse is also true. We may see some rise in the use of marijuana, but is this really any worse than drinking too much beer? I can’t imagine that if you are not sticking a needle in your arm and shooting heroin now, that you will after it becomes legal.

Now, let’s get to the benefits. As previously mentioned, the nation's deficit is 11.8 trillion dollars, and the war on drugs costs the tax payers 44.1 billion dollars every year. 30.3 Billion of that is supplied by state governments and 13.8 billion is supplied by the fed. If we only factor the 13.8 billion increased revenue to the fed after ending the war on drugs, it would take 85 years to pay off our national debt. But what about the tax revenue created by the legalization of drugs? This is estimated at 32.7 billion per year. If we also apply this to the national debt, we could pay it off within 25 years. So this country could be debt free by the time I am 53. Pretty sweet to think about isn’t it?

Source: Jeffrey A. Miron, Department of Economics, Harvard University: "The Budgetary Implications of Drug Prohibition," December 2008 (He supplied the figures, I did the math.)

Also, each state would now have an extra 606 million dollars in revenue. The states could use a fraction of that and rehire all of the law enforcement officers laid off by ending the war on drugs. They would also have the revenue to hire new officers. These new officers could now be re-tasked to handle other crimes that actually matter. This would be a big step toward the domestic safety of this country.

I am a pragmatist, so I realize that not all of the money from ending the war on drugs will be applied to our debt. Hell, it would probably all be spent on useless programs, but I think it is a nice thought.

What do you guys think?


Again, check out (trust the Kaptain)
I will be promoting until after Christmas, or until Mike gives me a cease and desist order.

That’s it for today’s post of:
Chuck Amok on the World, Life, and Living Fat

I can be reached on facebook or email me at

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Gay Sex Theory and How I Insulted the Christian Benefit Dinner

I was going to start off this blog with a boring diatribe about work and health care because I became so incensed with rage at the goings on in Corporate America today. However, before I was done writing, cooler heads prevailed and I went out to dinner with my wife’s father and grand-father.

Our mutual chiropractor was grilling down at the local Mongo Grill (Mongolian Barbeque for those not familiar with Amok slang).

I received the emails all week and knew what was going on, so I failed to open them. It is not until after downing my first plate, being the oblivious person that I am; that I realize this was a Christian benefit dinner for a local Christian private school. I thought it was just some self promotion on the part of my chiropractor, which I was cool with. I was in it for the food (Living Fat anyone?). But, there I am without cash, chowing down at a benefit dinner. Luckily my father-in-law spotted me five bucks and the evening was saved…

…Until I put my foot in my mouth.

Here’s the situation. I am informed of a news story by my wife’s grandfather, two airline pilots over shoot their final destination by 150 miles. The excuse given? They were too distracted by their laptops to notice.

Let me preface this by saying that I am not and never will be an airline pilot. But logic dictates that the radio must be blaring, lights and buzzers must be going off, and all hell must be breaking loose in that cockpit because they are so far off course. So this means you expect me to believe the 13 inch laptop screen in front of them is distracting them from all of that? No freaking way.

My father-in-law says something to the effect of, “Maybe they were sleeping?” Well, my response is, two pilots sleeping with those lights and buzzers going off? Alarm clocks anyone? Again, no freaking way.

Then it hits me like a brilliant idea cast down from heaven and inserted in my mind by the almighty himself.

Those two pilots were attaining carnal knowledge of each other and didn’t care how far off course they were. All the while, having a plane filled with 147 passengers.

Now, keep in mind, this whole time I am rambling on and on at the top of my lungs what I think at the time is a brilliant theory, while seated between two family tables at a Christian benefit dinner. I felt, and still feel, like a complete ass. I didn’t mean to be rude or insulting, to Christians or homosexuals, it just kind of happened. Nowhere in my genetic makeup is a gene that makes me rude. In fact, in most situations, I am the shyest person in the room. I don’t know what it was; I just had to voice my theory and chose to do it in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I am, and always will be, an oblivious dufus.

If that isn’t some Amok action going on, I don’t know what is.

Now for an installment of what we will call:


In this segment of the blog, we will talk (or rather I will write) about shit that excites me to no end; mainly, comics, movies, and just sheer geekiness.

Those of you who know me best know that I am a huge fan of Kevin Smith and his View Askewniverse. One of my favorite people in Askewniverse is Jason Mewes. He is the Jay to Kevin’s Silent Bob.

He is also one of the great stories of sobriety. He became addicted to heroin in his early twenties and remained addicted until the age of 29, in 2003. While trying to get sober, his mother, also a heroin addict, died of complications due to AIDS in 2002. (Source: Wikipedia)

What triggered me to think of him today was getting the chance to listen to his first podcast, titled, “MewesCast” and produced by Quick Stop Entertainment.

Yes it is a little scattered and unpolished, but I have high hopes for a truly funny and strong individual.

Here’s a big shout out to my man, Jason Mewes, “Snoochie Boochies”!


Again, check out (trust the Kaptain)
I will be promoting until after Christmas, or until Mike gives me a cease and desist order.

I am also disappointed that people did not comment on

When someone does something good for the world, lets talk about it people!

That’s it for today’s post of:
Chuck Amok on the World, Life, and Living Fat

I can be reached on facebook or email me at

(Hopefully there are no typos in this one)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Turning Out the Lights in Michigan

This post is going to mainly center around Michigan in the current economic crisis. Sorry for such a locally centered post, but I live in Michigan, so get over it and keep reading.

Living in Michigan, I often hear the off-hand comment:

"Last one out, turn out the lights!"

It is exactly this type of negative attitude that is ruining any chance Michigan has of recovering from this economic downturn. Put the blame on whoever you want, the auto manufacturers, politicians, rich cats, whatever. This downturn is everyone's fault. Michigan, lets rise up and take responsibility. Maybe then we can rise out of the flames like a phoenix and take back control from the rampant negativism that plagues this state and the rest of the country.

Why is it everyone's fault? Take a look around. Did the mortgage company force you to buy that $400,000 home on an interest only loan that has an adjustable interest rate after 5 years? Hell no. You did it. You signed the papers. You are the one that caused your own bankruptcy.

I know this sounds harsh, but it is true. I haven't been the most responsible person with money. I could be in a much better position if I had made more intelligent decisions in my early years of adulthood. But guess what? I didn't. I made dumb decisions, and I am still paying the price. But at least I am recoginzing that fact.

How do we reverse it? Well, at this point, we may have to rely on good ole' Uncle Sam. As much as I hate to say it, the government may have to bail us out, even more actively than the attempts that have already been made.

Do I think it is the government's responsibility to do this. Shit no! I don't even think they are capable of running a meat counter at the local grocery store, but what other choice do we have? The fact remains that most of Michigan's work force is blue collar, and most of it centers around the auto industry. People keep talking about diversifing Michigan, which is a great idea. But we need help now, Jennifer Granholm! (For those of you that don't live in Michigan, this is our idiot Canadian governor).

That is why, when House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio sends a letter to President Obama stating that the General Motors bailout is, and I quote, a "bridge loan to nowhere", I become insensed with utter rage. To read this article, go to and search for Republican: GM rescue is 'bridge loan to nowhere'.

Let me declare this publicly, John Boehner, you are a douche bag and deserve to be beat by monkeys with bananas! Maybe that is how we can solve the deficit, have monkeys beat douche bag politicians with bananas. Who wouldn't pay to see that?!

Lets see. If we charge $30 for admission, and we have a 3 trillion dollar deficit. That means we would have to sell 100 million tickets. Okay, maybe not the best idea, but it was worth a thought.

I mean, what the hell does he expect the government to do? Not give the biggest employer in the State of Michigan the money needed for it to survive, after giving a ton of money to banks and AIG? I'm sure he isn't saying that. (Can't you just sense the sarcasm?)

Let this serve as a call to the people. Rise up, take back what is ours! Let's activily change this situation. Write to your reps. Start that business you have been considering. Have a voice, and for God sake, think positive!

I don't want everyone to think that this blog is just going to be me ranting and raving about all things stupid. So, from time to time, I will bring to everyone's attention some of the great shit I see people doing. We will name this section of the blog something clever and original. How about:


While watching TV with my wonderfully beautiful and patient wife, I saw the most uplifting show about an entrepreneur in the Santa Monica, CA area.

Everyone must check this out. The owner is Blake Mycoskie. He had this crazy idea to start a corporation that gives back in a major way! For every pair of shoes he sells, he gives a pair to a child without shoes. He has personally flown in the face of corporate greed to places like Argentina, Haiti, and even our own country, to place shoes on kid's feet. What an amazing person. Seriously, can you picture the CEO of McDonald's going to Argentina to feed hungry children? Hell no. I am going to put my money where my mouth is and purchase a pair. (Pics to follow). I urge everyone to do the same.

And lastly,...

Let me give a big shout out to my man Dough Boy, who runs the fantastic site:

Even if you are not into comic books like the geek boy that I am, check out the site. It is a clear example of what a site should be, and how a site should be maintained.

Also, check out the great offerings at: (think christmas, not that far away). He has some great t-shirts!

That's it for today's post of:
Chuck Amok on the World, Life, and Living Fat

I can be reached on facebook or, email me at

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And in the beginning...

Being my first blog I thought I might explain the title and why I chose it.

First of all, I use Chuck Amok because the word, Amok, is defined as:

"To run about wildly in an uncontrolable violent rage."

This is how I feel sometimes. There are so many stupid things, people, and situations in this world that quite often, I find myself thinking that people need to rise up and take notice. Or I think, one of these days I am just going to go crazy.

So I have decided that I need an outlet, and you, the reader, are it! Please bear with me at times.

Secondly, I use Chuck Amok because it brings to mind one of the most vivid memories of my childhood. My father took me skiing in Lake Tahoe and my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Emil drove up from San Fransico to visit. At that time I had just gotten AOL at home and asked my Unlce what his handle was. He then told me what I still think is one of the coolest and most original handles out there: EmilAmok.

This was mind blowing to me. To this day I can write almost anything: essays, shorts stories, and comic books to name a few. But, I still can't come up with a cool handle.

What is a person to do in this situation? Steal it, of course. So here's to you Unlce Emil! I may be a stealing asshole, but at least I stole from the best.

That brings us to the word, World. As American's, why are we so conceited to think that we are the center of the world? This is completely ridiculous. What I also think is ridiculous is that we actually believe we are a super power and we control the world. Think about this, dear reader. China is the only super power in the world.

As a nation, we owe China over $744 billion. Holy, shit! Does this blow anyone else's mind? If China calls those debts, we are done as a nation. That's it. Kaput! China has the power to single handedly bring down the good ole U.S. of A. We don't need to even mention what China and U.S. corporations are doing to our domestic economic situation.

So the word World in the title of this blog means that if I see anything strange going on in the news or this country's forgein affaris, I will bring it to everyone's attention.

Life, what more needs to be said? Well, I'll say it. There are some strange things going on in this country. For example, Falcon Heene, you know, the weather balloon faker. The guy that falsely alerted emergency service people and the news media to his son being trapped in a weather balloon that was floating away from his home. The reason. He wants his family to get on a reality T.V. show. Are you kidding?!

But you know what, some brilliant person at a major network will probably give it to them. What is this country coming too?

Living Fat. That pretty much says it all. This was prompted this evening because my wife and I just got Wii Fit Plus. I am the first person to use it, so I sync the mat up and go through all of the set up process. Then, when it weighs me, it tells me that I am too fat to use it. Holy crap, to fat to play a game and get some exercise. So I will be using this blog to update my now weekly fitness goals.

I would love everyone to read my musings, but I am a practical person for the most part and realize that most of you will probably lose interest, some even before they got to this point.

But for those of you who stay, please let me know what you think...

That's it for today's post of:
Chuck Amok on the World, Life, and Living Fat

I can be reached on facebook or, email me at